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Automating end-to-end tests (SAP, APIs, mobile + more)

Reducing the risks associated with modern enterprise applications requires advanced test automation for the complete end-to-end business process, which may span multiple application components. Learn how to automate the testing of business processes that may include mobile UIs, web services, SAP, ESBs, APIs, web UIs, mainframes, and even big data.

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Scriptless test automation: A no code/low code approach for testers

Developers have already recognized that today’s “low-code/no-code” approaches are an efficient way to satisfy the relentless demand for more software, faster. Now that the testing tools market has matured beyond the heavyweight script-based platforms developed decades ago, we have the opportunity to transform testing for modern delivery with the same low-code/no-code approach that’s significantly streamlining software development.

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Tricentis Academy

Continuous Testing isn’t a product you can acquire and deploy–it’s achieved through a deeper transformation involving people, processes, and technologies.

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