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State of Worldwide Business Assurance for SAP solutions – 2023

Results from the 2023 State of Worldwide Business Assurance for SAP solutions report from Tricentis, Capgemini, Sogeti, and Int4

Together with other leading organizations, we surveyed 501 respondents across the globe to learn how they keep pace with the rapid evolution of SAP technologies while minimizing business disruption. Read it to learn what your peers had to say about the latest trends in SAP transformation, and the testing approaches and best practices they are implementing to balance risk with innovation.

The adoption of automation in SAP testing is rising

Moving from one version of SAP to another is no easy feat – and an automated testing strategy plays a key role in success. Our research found 74.6% of the organizations surveyed are using an automated or mixed approach for SAP testing, up from 70.1% in 2021. They are also automating more of their testing, with more than 40% reporting they have automated half or more of their test suites in 2023. These organizations report advantages like tackling SAP’s increasing complexity, mitigating a growing talent shortage, and meeting the demands of an increasingly agile and iterative digital business climate.

Service virtualization streamlines SAP testing

By simulating third-party systems, service virtualization plays a pivotal role in improving both testing speed and coverage. Service virtualization tools for SAP customers offer many benefits, like minimizing disruptions, enhancing productivity, and streamlining a variety of S/4HANA migration testing activities. Our research showed that companies are taking note, as 41.3% of respondents have implemented service virtualization tools to streamline their automated testing processes. According to these organizations, service virtualization has allowed them to:

  • Reduce testing effort (48.9%)
  • Achieve more accurate results (7.1%)
  • Improve their business processes (43.1%)

Specialized service providers boost efficiency and confidence

SAP implementations come with their own unique set of challenges. The organizations surveyed said some of the top obstacles they face are the expectation to do more with less resources (34.3%), the pressure to make changes faster (32.3%), and a lack of technical expertise (24.4%). In the two years since our inaugural survey, our research found companies today are even more persuaded of the benefits of working with service providers to overcome these hurdles. Nearly half – 49.1% – of businesses state that service providers offer additional technical expertise, up from 44.9% in 2021. The companies surveyed said they believe service providers can help increase business process efficiency (45.5%) and ensure business continuity (36.4%).

Simply put, an overwhelming majority (89.0%) of organizations believe that specialized service providers can help them navigate the most complex challenges of SAP implementations.

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