Tricentis Testim – Testim Copilot

Automate the testing of complex applications with generative AI

Testim Copilot accelerates application development by automatically generating test steps from a text description, explaining code to make it easier to understand and reuse, and identifying and fixing test issues. Testim Copilot speeds up test creation, increases test quality, and allows the team to test complex applications more easily.

What is Testim Copilot?

Testim Copilot uses generative AI to help you create, understand, and fix custom tests more quickly using an interactive prompt. Testim Copilot increases productivity across the entire development team, allowing high-quality tests to be built faster and with less effort.

Tricentis Testim Copilot - Coding assistant with AI capabilities

Our commitment to responsible and trustworthy AI

At Tricentis, responsible AI is at the core of every solution we develop, including Testim Copilot. We prioritize data privacy, security, and compliance, ensuring high-quality performance through rigorous testing and red teaming practices, all while maintaining user trust and safety.