
Ensuring the performance of your Kafka-dependent applications

Performance testing

Learn more about continuous performance testing and how to deliver performance at scale.


Daniel Murillo

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Date: Jun. 13, 2024

In today’s data-driven world, Apache Kafka has emerged as an essential component in building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. Its fault tolerance, scalability, and ability to handle high throughput makes it a great choice for businesses handling high volumes of data.

Kafka is an open-source event streaming platform used for collecting, storing, and distributing data streams in the form of Kafka events. Applications collect, store, and distribute data streams in the form of Kafka topics. Applications can then subscribe to these topics, allowing them to read instructions or messages. All of this makes it possible for systems to create, send, and store high volumes of data events, while recipient systems quickly receive and execute necessary actions. With Kafka, building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications is an efficient and reliable process.

But while Kafka theoretically streams data in real time, there are some cases where there can be a noticeable delay. This delay, known as Kafka consumer lag, can ultimately lead to poor user experiences. When this happens the application’s overall performance can degrade over time. Delayed processing or data loss can also mean that an application’s “real-time” decision-making is based on data that is no longer current. Slow Kafka performance doesn’t just affect Kafka workflows; it cascades downstream to any data pipelines that depend on it, impacting user experiences.

Avoid Kafka consumer lag with a robust performance testing tool

Thankfully, Kafka is notoriously stable and robust. But without knowing how the system behaves under varying loads and how quickly applications can read Kafka topics, you can’t know how the system will behave under stress. Therefore, it’s necessary to identify potential bottlenecks such as network latency, segment size impacts, fetch size, compression, or cleanup policies to optimize configurations to better handle real-world scenario scalability.

Kafka also provides fault tolerance mechanisms like replication and leader election, which play a crucial role in ensuring data durability and system resilience. To verify Kafka’s ability to maintain data integrity and recover seamlessly from disruptions, you must validate these mechanisms under high-stress conditions. Furthermore, forecasting the infrastructure that identifies when and how to scale Kafka clusters to accommodate increasing data volumes and user traffic  calls for resource and capacity planning.

Performance testing is therefore indispensable for Kafka-dependent applications to ensure scalability, reliability, and optimal performance. By assessing performance, organizations can unleash the full potential of Kafka to deliver exceptional user experiences and meet business objectives. Embracing performance testing as an integral part of a Kafka implementation empowers organizations to build robust and resilient data pipelines that drive innovation and ensure the success of their real-time use cases.

But most importantly, performance testing must be done properly. Inadequate testing of Kafka-dependent applications causes delays, affects the expected performance of your application, and negatively impacts your brand. To ensure your Kafka-dependent applications’ performance, you need a modern performance testing solution like Tricentis NeoLoad. NeoLoad allows you to easily design and execute performance tests to quickly uncover bottlenecks and then share actionable insights across teams with minimal effort. NeoLoad provides complete performance testing capabilities throughout your Kafka-dependent application’s lifecycle and maximizes the impact of performance insights to ensure your products always perform in global, real-world scenarios.

Want to learn more? Watch a 5-minute overview or try NeoLoad for free.

Performance testing

Learn more about continuous performance testing and how to deliver performance at scale.


Daniel Murillo

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Date: Jun. 13, 2024

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