The AI/ML journey: Preparing your organization for transformation
Data integrity is key to AI/ML success — ensuring accurate,...
Since cloud and AI are on every tech leader’s radar, we’ve brought these topics to the spotlight in the latest episodes of the Tricentis podcast, Transformation in 10. Thousands of listeners globally have tuned in to hear technical insights and successful strategies to navigate transformations with confidence, courtesy of top experts from Tricentis and beyond.
In our cloud-focused episodes, I had the pleasure of speaking with two formidable C-level leaders, Cornelia Davis (CTO at Weaveworks) and Dr. Grigori Melnik (CPO at Tricentis). And, we couldn’t resist throwing in a bonus episode to talk with one of our recent Tricentis Great Ideas Gathering winners, Dave Colwell (VP of Machine & AI Learning at Tricentis). Of course, we also took this golden opportunity to talk about Tricentis AI solutions.
This blog gives you a flavor of the episodes, which are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and more.
Cornelia Davis, Chief Technical Officer at Weaveworks, dives into how to thrive in the cloud with her expertise on cloud-native patterns, drawing from her fascinating book on this topic, ‘Cloud Native Patterns: Designing change-tolerant software.’ Cornelia also helps us get to grips with GitOps and how we can apply it.
If you’re embarking on your journey to the cloud or are unsure where to start, this conversation provides you with the critical foundations for success. Cornelia’s in-depth technical knowledge shines through from start to finish. In this snippet, Cornelia assures us that there is one vital component to prioritize so that your applications can adapt to the volatile cloud environment:
Listen to this 2-part conversation with Cornelia in Part 1 and Part 2.
When Dave Colwell, VP of Machine & AI Learning, recently scooped up awards for his team’s AI-driven solution at Tricentis’ Great Ideas Gathering (GIG), the time was ripe to grill him on all things AI. In today’s agile world, documentation is deprioritized, and knowledge is scattered across distributed and highly dynamic team members. Dave divulges how his GIG solution uses AI techniques to convert this scattered know-how into actionable insights. We also explore ways in which AI powers core components of Tricentis products — how AI-powered impact analysis enhances LiveCompare, and how Machine Learning in the Vision AI component of Tosca truly frees up the tester. Dave even gives us exclusive insights into what the future of AI looks like at Tricentis, as featured in this soundbite:
Listen to Dave’s episodes in Part 1 and Part 2.
In our longest episodes to date, Dr. Grigori Melnik, Chief Product Officer at Tricentis, reveals our organizational setup that streamlines innovation. Cloud migration is top of mind, seeing as “the cloud has won, no doubt about it”. This enthralling conversation takes some surprising twists and turns, including heartfelt insights into Grigori’s time studying disruptive strategy.
Grigori reflects on the innovation conceived at our recent Great Ideas Gathering, where all Tricentis employees can shape the future of the application development world. Can you guess how milkshakes crop up regarding a fascinating framework to position your products? Here’s part of the puzzle explained below:
Check out this jam-packed chat with Grigori in Part 1 and Part 2.
This month, we speak with Adam Arakelian, Director of Engineering at Dell, plus Fiserv experts Rob Larsen (Director of QA) and Tim Smith (Senior Network Engineer), who cover how to execute Agile QA practices at scale. All are past Tricentis Customer Innovation Award winners.
We release a new episode bi-weekly, so check for the latest episodes. We’d love to hear your feedback on social media — hashtag#TransformationIn10 and we might give you a shout-out on the show.
Data integrity is key to AI/ML success — ensuring accurate,...
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