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Tricentis Tosca

Automate with Tosca in the cloud

Tricentis Tosca has elevated model-based test automation to the cloud to accelerate onboarding, grow test coverage, minimize maintenance, reduce internal infrastructure costs, and scale test automation.

Combining the power of Tosca and the cloud

Transform your testing process with the power of Tosca delivered in a cloud deployment, enabling instant access to all the latest innovations, eliminating the need for dedicated hardware and IT support, and reducing internal solution management requirements with zero-footprint test automation.

App landscape image

Model-based testing in the cloud

Tosca’s model-based testing deconstructs your application into models that become the building blocks for your test cases. They make object identification clear and unique. You can insert variables and recall them later for verification. Most importantly, you can build a library of test steps and blocks that can be reused across multiple test cases.

If your application changes (e.g., a field is added or removed), you simply update the module once, and that change is automatically synchronized across all your impacted test cases, saving you hours of manual effort.

How model-based testing works

Execute rapidly - at cloud scale

Run tests anywhere, anytime. With Tosca’s cloud-based execution engine, you can test faster and at scale by running multiple tests in parallel across distributed cloud infrastructures, all while reducing your internal infrastructure costs.

Zero-footprint test automation

Accelerate your time to value with Tosca’s cloud deployment by reducing or eliminating the need to install and manage on-premises components to support your test automation. Author from the browser, store your assets securely in the cloud, and execute at scale, entirely on Tricentis hosted infrastructure for zero-footprint test automation.


How we do it

Model-based testing
Cloud experience
API Simulation
Test run orchestration
API testing
Scalable test execution
Icon Arrow
Tosca model based testing in the cloud
Tosca cloud-based test run orchestration
Tosca cloud-based API testing
Tricentis Elastic Execution Grid